Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book November 3RD, 2009


Outside my window...I feel the brisk Autumn breeze. The sun is peering through the bare trees, and the sky is looking promising for a beautiful calm day.

I am thinking... Of learning a new hobby. Perhaps sewing (with a machine), scrapbooking, gift basket making! I am wanting to try something new, and start a new hobby!

I am thankful for... Another day with my healthy family. The roof over my head, and the food in my tummy.

From the kitchen... Tonight for dinner we will be having Salmon patties with Dill sauce, as well as a cold pasta salad.

I am wearing... My morning comfy jeans and a cozy black warm sweatshirt.

I am creating... An environment of safety, love, understanding, and nurturing for Tyler and Aurora today.

I am going... Nowhere fast..I have a week of simplicity planned. Perhaps later in the week Tyler and I will bundle ourselves and go for a walk and stop by the park.

I am reading... Nothing at the moment. I am looking to begin a new book here soon.

I am hoping... For another calm day. Also that Tyler's doctor's office will have more flu shots, as he has yet to receive one.

I am hearing... Zac Brown Band singing me my favorite song, Free. Also in the background I can hear Tyler playing as Aurora takes a snoozer.

Around the house... There are chores to be done, and a child hard at play.

One of my favorite things... Hearing the laughter come from the small soul of my child.

A few plans for the rest of the week: A walk with Tyler. I am also watching Aurora today and Friday this week. I plan to start a new book this week, as well as try to educate myself on more ways to become the best Mother that I can become. The most important part of my week, I will unconditionally love my family that I have been blessed with.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
