Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Been Awhile

A lot has changed since my last posting, and there have been some new adventures in life taken.

I will begin with; this is going to be a lengthy posting, so buckle that seat belt, and get ready.

An update on Tyler is far from over due. Tyler has been doing amazing on his 'head hitting'. We have experienced far and few between episodes of this. I would have to say that, Tyler has passed this phase. Through this I learned a lot about my child. I experienced his will and determination. Tyler is a very head-strong individual. I see many days ahead of me where Tyler and I will battle out our wills. Tyler is an incredible child!! Tyler is still enjoying reading a lot. In fact we purchases some new books for him, just yesterday. He has began to color, and enjoys spending his time coloring pictures. We are going through the stages of Tyler gaining his independence. I am no longer the one that he wants to help him anymore. :( Tyler wants to dress himself, put his shoes on by himself, clean up his toys, put his dishes in the sink, whatever it may be...he wants to do it on his own. His speech is improving day to day as well. I see where he tries to say words more. I am so proud of him! Tyler has brought so much into our home. Tyler's personality is such a unique personality. He truely is one of a kind.

I will not bore with my immense love and pride of a Mother for my son, I will move on now! I have signed up for college, and I will begin my classes on March 29th. I am very excited, yet I am overwhelmingly nervous. It shocks the every nerve in my body that I finally made the step and the move to better my life for myself. What the future holds for me...I am excited to experience. I am going now for my Associates of Arts in Elementary Education. I will continue after the 20 months(of school for A.A.) for my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. I have not made the final decision yet of whether I am going to go with Elementary Special Education or leave myself open to general studies. I have always had a very dear spot in my heart for all people with developmental delays. I have awhile to make this decision still though. I am excited to begin my schooling. It feels as though it's been a lifetime since I last attended. Here's to the future!!

Ryan and I are still doing the same. We have worked on some of our debts since the begining of the year..well wait...we have worked on some of my debts...Soon enough before I know it, all will be taken care least I hope. We have also continued on our journey of losing weight and improving our eating habits and health. I have went from 134 pounds to now at 125 pounds. I had went down some more, although I have had a bad couple of weeks. :) Ryan has decreased his soda intake from six or more sodas a day to only two. I must confess, I am impressed with him continuing with this. I have made some goals as of recently and I hope to be at 115pounds by my birthday on May 16th. I must get my rear end in gear and continue with what I have been doing, instead of slacking, and just making excuses for myself.

That there, is the jist of it all. I am working on planning Tyler's 2nd Birthday party. I am very excited for this. I did not do a party for Tyler's first birthday, and I regret it. Although I have learned that I will not do anything from here on out with him, that I will later regret, as in not having him a birthday party! He deserves it, and he deserves to have a day be all about him! He is a special boy. I hope to be able to have a BBQ potluck style. I looked at decorations online with Tyler and he chose some barnyard animals that he liked a lot. He loves animals, so perhaps we will go with that 'theme'.

With what is to come of the future I turn to and look at with the utmost excitement. The hard work, the determination, and the passion to get to what I want to be, and to become the person I want to be...I will continue my journey of becoming me, and learning new and insipiring aspects of who I am as each day ahead comes and goes. Nobody said this journey is going to be easy. I will not fail. I will be all that I want to be.