Today's entry is going to be a bit of everything.
Everything at random.
First and for most I want to address the incident that happened in Fort Hood, Texas yesterday. If you have not turned on your television in the past two days, or perhaps you have not been online, I suggest you go here and see this.
My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one, or whom was injured in this horrific incident. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around how this could happen, why this would happen, and who could do this? We fear for those at war, we wait and anticipate their safe arrival home. We count the days down until they are on safe soil, yet we never even imagine that these kinds of events would happen here on our soil. A day at the office. A normal every other day. It breaks my heart..I send my thoughts and prayers to those families who lost a loved one on this sad day in America, and I send my prayers for a quick recovery for those injured as well.
Now to more of my random feelings and emotions.
We have been working really hard this week to start new ways to tackle Tyler's "head bashing" episodes that he has been going through. We have worked on putting him in a 'time-out' soft chair in the middle of the room. He seems to be doing a lot better with it. We have had a huge decrease in the amount of times per day that he does this. I feel in my gut, that he does this strictly out of anger/frustration when he wants something, wants to do something, or to get his way. I have watched his actions when I take away something, or tell him "No." Tyler knows what he is doing! I am proud of him though for the progress that he has made in the past week, now I just keep the hope that in the near future we will move past this phase of his life.
The weekend is almost here, and I am planning a mellow weekend. I want to get some quality time in with Tyler and Ryan. Hopefully we will all be able to have a good time this weekend together. I had really wanted to take Emma to see Disney On Ice. When I looked into it I didn't realize it was this weekend, and since they were just here last weekend, not this year!! Hopefully next year I can take her to see it!!
Tyler has started a new thing this week. He loves to pretend everything is a camera, and he holds it up in front of him and has a CHEESY smile, and says "Cheeeeese." It's absolutely adorable, and I wish I could get a video of him doing it!
I am still on the kick of getting a bunny. I do know it's the last thing we need right now. It will be a lot of work. It's a mess...and now is where I will sound like a selfish 3 year old!! Buuuut I REALLY WANT ONE!! =)
For now this is my ending of my random moments. More may come later...maybe after I get some more coffee in this darn body, I will have more thinking power!
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